Shared Histories (Reader)

8.5 x 11 inches
Printed on Arjowiggins Curious Papers
June 2023

Designed in partnership with Chris Baker 
Published by Cranbrook Academy of Art
Zine / reader designed to accompany the “Shared Histories” symposium held at Cranbrook Academy of Art in 2023. The zine’s concept circles around the idea of finding commonalities in a vast diaspora of artists, makers, and perspectives, and looks to celebrate differences while highlighting similarities. To center this idea, the design system of the zine and symposium relies on the many typographic variable axes of Google’s open-source “Roboto Mono,” with each passage, section, and contributor set in a wholly unique typogrpahic voice that comes from the same stem. 

Visual Identity and Website

Designed with Chris Baker  / IRIS
November 2023
Visual identity (above) and website (below) for Detroit micro-gallery, Mouse. Inspired by mouse holes, burrows, and the intrigue and intimiacy of subterranean space. 

Wingate Media
Visual Identity and Website

Visual identity and website for New York-based produciton company Wingate Media. 

Entanglements: Cranbrook Fiber, 2007–2023

4.25 x 6 inches
136 pages
Flush-cut board cover wrapped in DUO Bookcloth
May 2023

Designed in partnership with Chris Baker 
Published by Cranbrook Academy of Art
Publication for Cranbrook Academy of Art Fiber Deparmtent, celebrating and capturing the ideas, community, and culture of the department under Artist-in-Residence Mark Newport. 

Cooper Siegel
Artist Book

6 x 9 inches
150 pages
2-color RISO printed cover
May 2022
Publication design for ceramic artist Cooper Siegel. The typography employed in the book is clunky and conglomerate in its details but understatedly sophisticated in its layout, mirroring the artist’s precise balancing and arrangement of hybrid forms.